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Latest News 

In the Media

November 11, 2023 Our 6PPD-quinone field program is addressing concerns regarding concentrations of this toxic chemical in salmon bearing streams throughout Metro Vancouver and coastal British Columbia.


February 14, 2022 Check out lab members Katerina Colbourne and Tanya Brown in the Last of the Giants Discovery Canada TV Show.


December, 2022 Click on the video below to learn about our ArcticNet Project in Nunatsiavut, Canada.


Latest News

August 10, 2023 New paper by PDF Dr. Antoine Simond: Declining concentrations of chlorinated paraffins in endangered St. Lawrence Estuary belugas (Delphinapterus leucas): Response to regulations or a change in diet? reveals that chlorinated paraffin concentrations have declined (1.3% per year, 28% over 2 decades), likely due in part to the implementation of regulations of this industrial chemical in 2012.


January 23, 2023 Paper by PhD student Bonnie Lo: Acute Toxicity of 6PPD-Quinone to Early Life Stage Juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutchshows that newly feeding coho exhibit a lethal concentration of 6PPD quinone that is 2.3 times lower than previously reported for 1+ year
coho salmon and that coho salmon are 3 orders of magnitude more sensitive to this tire associated chemical than Chinook.


August 30, 2022 New paper by PDF Dr. Antoine Simond: A Multi-Matrix Metabolomic Approach in Ringed Seals and Beluga Whales to Evaluate Contaminant and Climate-Related Stressors


Check out a summary of the paper here


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